Phase One Completed Thanks To You!
Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, we continue to celebrate the successful completion of our Church remodeling project. We were able to raise nearly $1.6 million for the first phase of our facility master plan program. Of that, we used $1.1 million for phase one to renovate the worship space with beauty, accessibility upgrades, safety concerns and audio/visual upgrades.
Phase TWO Launch
We have nearly $486,000 in reserves and are ready to share the proposed plan to forward with the second phase of our Facility Master Plan. Proposed objectives include:
- Priority 1: School/Church Kitchen Remodeling
- Priority 2: School/Church Office/Library Remodeling
- Priority 3: Church Restrooms/Gathering Space Remodel
Please join us on Thursday, May 18 at 1:00 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. in the Church for Feedback Sessions. Your input is valuable and appreciated.
There is a detailed document below where you can learn more about the proposed objectives, projected costs, timeline, remodel/addition renderings and how your financial support will be invited. Or, you may download the document by clicking HERE.
SA Hutchinson 2023-2026 Launch FINAL
Phase Two Project Prayer
Loving God, we thank You for all the blessings of the past and all the gifts that You continue to shower upon us in this, our present time and place. As we look to the future of St. Anastasia Catholic Community, we ask that You shape our hearts anew to be a generous people. May we be a faithful people bringing Your light and love to all, both now and for generations to come. We pray this in Your holy name. Amen.