Knights in Action. Faith in Action.
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal service organization, stand for the four principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.
The Knights of Columbus offers men a place to lead their families and communities in faith and service and put their Faith into Action. Knights of Columbus members, parishes and families have the opportunity to make a meaningful difference through 32 Supreme Council-recommended programs.
Organized into Faith, Family, Community and Life categories, the Faith in Action program model empowers Knights to come together to share faith, celebrate fraternity with loved ones, and do what they do best — stand shoulder to shoulder in service to the community and to defend life at all stages and in every condition.
Council #4797 serves the parishes of St. Anastasia Catholic Church and St. Boniface Catholic Church. Visit the Council website to read about programming, news, upcoming events and more.
Knights of Columbus Council #4797 Website